Rancho Park's Toddle Tunes New Policy: Only Vaccinated Children Can Attend Classes

In what may be a first for a child-focused business, Rancho Park music school Toddle Tunes announced on Tuesday evening that unvaccinated children will no longer be permitted to attend classes, unless they have a medical reason for not being vaccinated. Calling the health and safety of students, infants and pregnant mothers their number one priority, the company posted the following statement on their Facebook page:

The new policy hit the right note with local expert, Dr. Dan Uslan.

“While I respect the right of parents to make their own decisions, it is not appropriate to put others at risk because of those decisions," said Uslan, an associate professor of Infectious Diseases at UCLA Health and a Rancho Park resident. "Just as we may restrict peanut products from class to protect children with peanut allergies, it is similarly appropriate to only accept vaccinated students in class to protect those who cannot be vaccinated. I applaud Toddle Tunes’ decision and hope others follow suit."

On Facebook, parents chimed in as well. The announcement  earned over 200 likes and a chorus supportive comments, numbering close to 40 at the time of writing this entry.  

 "Good for you for taking a bold and necessary stand to protect all children that are part of the Toddle Tunes community. A hearty bravo to you," stated one.

Toddle Tunes' popular music enrichment program offers parent-and-me classes for newborns and toddlers and rock band and private lessons for older school age kids in their Westwood Blvd. storefront location. They posted this in response to the online outpouring

"In tears right now from your responses. Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement and support. We cannot / will not - risk even one baby, infant, child or mommy to be. This is too important to not act upon now. I hope others follow suit also."

Rancho Park is home to many businesses specializing in classes for kids. Reached by phone, representatives for the Westside Pavillion-based Gymboree Play and Music and Music Stars and Masters stated that they had no such policies in place.

Views: 392


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